Mobile Optimization Services – OneIMS
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Mobile Optimization Services
Is your website optimized for mobile devices? Can your website visitors enjoy a seamless experience when checking out your website via their smartphones or tablets? If your website is not responsive to mobile devices and keeps your existing and potential customers tied to a chair in front of their laptops and desktop computers, then you are missing out on a huge number of business opportunities, not to mention the risk of losing your customers.
If your website is not mobile-friendly, it’s high time you changed it. Improving your website by optimizing it for mobile devices will help you retain your customers and attract a large number of new ones because almost everyone is browsing the Web on their mobile devices these days.
People are using their smartphones and tablets to purchase products and services online and stay in touch with their favorite brands, as well as interact with the new brands they want to connect with.
Their mobile devices enable them to do all of that on-the-go, wherever they are and whenever they want. Therefore, you should definitely provide them with that level of convenience on your website, especially since it is something that they expect from all brands
What is Mobile Optimization?
Mobile optimization is the process of creating a mobile-friendly site, that is, enabling your website visitors who access your site from their mobile devices to have a seamless experience optimized for those devices.
Optimizing a website for mobile accounts for several very important factors that improve the user experience of mobile users. Those factors include screen sizes and resolutions, page load times, site structure, web design and other web elements and device features, all of which are optimized in order to help your visitors access your site without any friction whatsoever.
Creating a mobile-friendly site is all about the responsive web design. Responsive design is an approach to web design that makes the layout of your site change according to the devices from which your web visitors are trying to access your site.
When you make your site responsive, the layout will automatically adjust to every screen size based on its width, orientation, and resolution. That way, your mobile visitors will be able to clearly see your entire content, without having to zoom in and out to read everything, browse through your products or services, complete any forms and eventually buy from you.
Why is Mobile Optimization Important?
As you have certainly realized by now, mobile optimization is crucial for providing mobile users who access your site with seamless experiences. If you don’t optimize your website for mobile devices, you risk losing a lot of customers, who may become frustrated and simply move on to your competition.
While this is more than enough to convince you to optimize your website for mobile, there’s another reason why you should do it. Ever since Google rolled out its mobile-friendly ranking algorithm on April 21, 2015, it started rewarding websites optimized for mobile devices with a higher SEO ranking, while punishing those who don’t embrace the mobile-friendly practices by decreasing their ranking in search engines.
Google’s goal with the algorithm was to improve user experience, and user experience is also one of the numerous ranking factors in Google’s algorithm. Therefore, mobile optimization will help you boost your SEO ranking and increase your online visibility, driving a lot more traffic to your website and attracting more leads that you can convert.
When creating a mobile-friendly site, you should make sure that it loads quickly, because Google’s mobile algorithm will make your ranking plummet on Google search results if your site is not quick to load.
How Can OneIMS Help You?
OneIMS can provide you with high-quality mobile optimization services that will transform your website and truly do wonders for the success and growth of your business. We are proud to be working with a team of experts with amazing skills and experience in the field of mobile optimization, all of whom are incredibly dedicated to their work and never stop until everything is absolutely perfect and fits the unique needs of our customers.
Go Mobile and Embrace the Future!
With more and more people surfing the Internet on their mobile devices, you simply cannot afford not to provide mobile users with excellent user experiences when checking out your website. Mobile is on the constant rise, so take full advantage of going mobile and jump into the future full of endless opportunities for business growth!
Contact us today and let us help you out. We will be more than happy to help you improve your website and grow your business, boosting your online visibility and SEO ranking and enabling you to generate more sales and ROI.
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In order to see if we are the right fit for your business, schedule a call with one of our strategists.